A Uber lançou o vídeo/documentário #OAmorNosConecta no dia 24 de Agosto de 2017, complementando sua ação de conscientização e combate à homolesbotransfobia. A primeira ação foi o lançamento da Cartilha de Respeito LGBTI+, que pretende levar aos motoristas parceiros da Uber algumas questões relacionadas ao público LGBTI+.
Para baixar a Cartilha de Respeito LGBTI+ e ver o vídeo que reforça a mensagem da Cartilha, clique aqui.
Clique aqui, para acessar o vídeo/documentário.
Taxi administration is a preferable decision for going over transports and even trains. It is more agreeable pressure and bothers free with loads of time to save while voyaging. ... This article might adjust your perspective when voyaging even consistently. Cabs are autos which conveys travelers between two focuses inside a city or its edges. It is more helpful to take a cab than our private vehicle one way drop taxi. A completely safeguarded and authorized cab driver has the expertise and experience to take individuals to their objective without stress.
On the off chance that you anticipate to public vehicle for making a trip one spot to another, it is horrendous to anybody arriving at their objective on schedule.…